Ensure ROS Stack Policy

Nested stacks can themselves contain other nested stacks. This results in a hierarchy of stacks. The root stack is the top-level stack to which all the nested stacks belong. The template of the root stack is called the top-level template.

Risk Level: medium
Platform: Alicloud
Spectral Rule ID: TFALCLD016


The stack should have the attribute either stack_policy_body and stack_policy_url or stack_policy_during_update_body and tack_policy_during_update_url defined

# Either

+ stack_policy_body      = {...}
+ stack_policy_url       = "oss://ros/stack-policy/demo"

# Or 

+ stack_policy_during_update_body      = {...}
+ stack_policy_during_update_url       = "oss://ros/stack-policy/demo"

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