Ensure run commands are not vulnerable to shell injection
Protect your code from potentially risky references to third-party variables. If you use these as input to an API call, you should avoid it.
- github.event.issue.title
- github.event.issue.body
- github.event.pull_request.title
- github.event.pull_request.body
- github.event.comment.body
- github.event.review.body
- github.event.review_comment.body
- github.event.pages.*.page_name
- github.event.commits.*.message
- github.event.head_commit.message
- github.event.head_commit.author.email
- github.event.head_commit.author.name
- github.event.commits.*.author.email
- github.event.commits.*.author.name
- github.event.pull_request.head.ref
- github.event.pull_request.head.label
- github.event.pull_request.head.repo.default_branch
- github.head_ref
Risk Level: medium
Platform: Github
Spectral Rule ID: GHAC013
Remove the suspicious command
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Updated about 1 year ago