
You can use Spectral without any configuration. You may want to configure Spectral in the following cases:

  • Special treatment of source root: in a given repo or folder, include specific folders, exclude others
  • Scan-time ignores: ignore classes of files or detectors, or pieces of text at scan time (you can also perform ignores in your Spectral account)
  • Detector inclusion or exclusion: for cases where you want to disable existing detectors, or enable experimental ones
  • Output formats: you can switch output formats to JSON, JUnit, and others, which can help shape your pipeline automation
  • Custom detectors: Spectral can load custom detectors that you build, and you can specify where it is in the configuration


We assume you have a copy of Spectral, if not -- check out the getting started section. Then use spectral init to generate a base configuration.

$ $HOME/.spectral/spectral init
Initialized your spectral configuration in '.spectral/'.

You should now have a starter configuration layout in a special .spectral folder like so:

$ tree .spectral
β”œβ”€β”€ rules
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ merchants.speql.yaml
β”‚Β Β  └── sample.yaml
└── spectral.yaml

1 directory, 3 files

You should check this folder into source control.


This is the main Spectral configuration file. It configures Spectral for:

  • Input sources -- what paths to scan
  • Ignores -- what to ignore and at what stage to apply ignores
  • Reporter outputs -- what reporter module to activate
  • Detectors -- what detectors to include and/or exclude
  • Metadata -- what kind of extra functionality to activate such as masking, debug run and so on
# you can omit the reporter section entirely (you'll get a stylish reporter by default)
        stylish: {}         # nice looking CLI reports
        # stylish: { html: "output.html" }  # produce HTML reports
        # stylish: { csv: "output.csv" }  # produce CSV reports

        # log:              # use a logger
        #   json: true      # enable JSON logging
        #   file: out.json  # put output in a file

        # junit: {}        # Great for integrating with CI systems that understand JUnit XML (all of them, probably)
        # ignores: {}      # A reporter output that streams results as ignores

# Ignoring Matches
# you can specify ignores for matches that you know exist
# and acknowledge them, but you don't care about them for now.
# These are regex: rule_id, rule_name, match_text, path.
# To get a fingerprint, run `spectral fingerprint --text YOUR-SECRET`
# match_ignores:
#     ignores:
#     - match_text: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
#     - rule_id: <rule id>
#       rule_name: <rule name>
#       match_text: <rule id>
#       path: <path>
#       match_fingerprint: 79cdb7f2e0e4a96520304ff641f45f230be4f362a4a16c704730115a85fa545f

            name: sample
            - local: .
              name: sources
            # you can add a few more. 
            # everything is relative to working directory (where you run spectral from)
            # - local: nteract/node_modules
            #  name: nteract
            - rules      # folder(s) relative to this file
            # cherry-pick rules for these roots
            # include:
            #    tags:
            #    - node
            #    ids: []
            # exclude:
            #    tags:
            #    - node
            #    ids: []

    # add as many more projects as you like:
    # all_pythons:
      # ...

πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ Want to exclude rules by severity? You can use the include/exclude tags section for that, so for instance, if you want to see just errors, you can use the tag error in the include, or use the exclude tags warning and info which will gives the same semantic.


You can use the include/exclude tags also via CLI options, e.g: --include-tags error or --exclude-tags warning,info.


You can run a scan, and choose to ignore results, possibly because they're known issues, or should be addressed later, in either way -- you want to take control of your risk yourself and explicitly ignore findings.

There are 3 main ways to perform ignores:

  • Glob ignores - don't process the files, skip completely
  • Match ignores - ignore actual matches by file name, content, rule, and more from .spectral/spectral.yaml
  • Inline Code Ignores - ignore actual matches from inline source code

πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ Why more than one way to ignore? Match ignores will work most of the time. If you don't want to scan a large model file because it's a waste, you can use a glob ignore to skip it completely.

Glob Ignores

You might want the same experience as working with a .gitignore file, ignoring an entire folder, a glob of a file structure or a specific file, regardless of any scan.

A good example might be a Tensorflow model, which weighs gigabytes, and you have reasonable certainty there couldn't be any security issues there (a fairly reasonable assumption).

To ignore using this technique, add a special .ignore file to your repo, and set its content much like a regular .gitignore


When using Spectral Scan, these files will not be considered at all, when Spectral is compiling its execution plan.

πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ Spectral respect .gitignore like the .ignore Spectral respect the .gitignore file the same as .ignore, so in case there is .gitignore in the root of the scan, all the glob's inside the .gitignore file will be ignored and will not be processed.

Match Ignores

You have the option of ignoring matches. This ignore feature is the most powerful, and you're able to specify actual finding text to ignore such as test keys, demo keys, and more.

Ignoring matches after they were found, is called "match_ignores" in Spectral. Example: .spectral/spectral.yaml

There might be a case where you want to ignore a specific rule, and under that rule, ignore a specific set of files.

For example, you want to ignore all credit cards showing under a "test" folder. In that case, you want to specify the PCI rule and under it specify a file glob such as tests/.*. In this case we use a regular expression which is a bit more costly than a glob but much more powerful and expressive.

Adding ignores is done by editing your main spectral configuration file (spectral.yaml), like below:

    - match_text: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
    - rule_id: <rule id, regex>
      rule_name: <rule name, regex>
      match_text: <rule id, regex>
      path: <path, regex>
      match_fingerprint: b76fe610abe3bdaa92d4002dc0516dfa21c2dbf520373c6203469d0dee369888


When you want to ignore a secret, or a piece of confidential text, it doesn't make sense to specify it verbatim as an ignore because you'd be duplicating the secret. For this case, we use a cryptographically secure digest fingerprinting. To fingerprint your piece of text, you can use Spectral itself:

$ spectral fingerprint --text AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Then, you can safely add this fingerprint to your ignore rule, which will ignore the content behind the fingerprint.

Inline Code Ignores (supported in version 1.10.100)

To provide more flexibility, we support adding ignores in your source code (as code comments) using the following pattern:

spectral:ignore-[file|next-line|line] [detector|fingerprint|text] [COMMENT]

spectral:ignore-line - Ignore match in the same line
spectral:ignore-next-line - Ignore next line match
spectral:ignore-file - Ignore in all file

Categories (supporting multiple values, comma separated)

detector - Ignore by specific detector id.
fingerprint - Ignore by specific fingerprint.
text - Ignore text prefix

  • Ignore match in the same line by detector

    AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // spectral:ignore-line detector:CLD001
  • Ignore match by a fingerprint
    For getting the fingerprint run the following command:

    $ $HOME/.spectral/spectral fingerprint --text AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // spectral:ignore-line fingerprint:b76fe610abe3bdaa92d4002dc0516dfa21c2dbf520373c6203469d0dee369888
  • Ignore match by text prefix

    AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // spectral:ignore-line text:AKI
  • Ignore multiple categories

    AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // spectral:ignore-line detector:CLD001 text:AKI
  • Describe the ignore by a comment field

    AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // spectral:ignore-line detector:CLD001 comment:'Testing token'
  • Ignore multiple detectors in file

    // spectral:ignore-file detector:CLD001,CLD002

Ignore Rules Categorization (supported in version 1.10.189)

Categorization is designed to enhance policy compliance within organizations by providing visibility into all ignores, whether defined in the Spectral configuration YAML file or inline in the code. This feature allows categorization of ignores to ensure they are tracked appropriately, aligning with the organization's policy compliance efforts.

YAML Configuration

In the Spectral configuration YAML file, match ignores can be categorized as follows:

    - rule_id: CLD001
        kind: wont-fix | false-positive
        comment: "Test secret"

Inline Configuration

For inline ignores, the categorization is added as follows:

// spectral:<ignore-kind> detector:<detector> categorization:<false-positive | wont-fix> comment:<comment>

// spectral:ignore-next-line detector:CLD001 categorization:false-positive comment:'Test secret'

When Spectral detects an ignore with categorization, this issue will be send to SpectralOps dashboard.
Users will not be able to change the ignore category or comment, nor resolve the issue from the dashboard. Management of these ignores is handled exclusively by the scanner.

Hardening - Hide Local Ignores

The hardening feature allows organizations to enforce stricter controls on local ignores.
For example, if an organization wants to track all issues ignored by users, they can use the hardening feature to restrict local ignores, ensuring that all ignores are categorized and visible in the dashboard.
When restricted, all local ignores must have a categorization.
Ignores without categorization will fail the scan.


When you have a top level folder, that is devided to sub-folders you wish to scan separatly since each of them is represeting an asset, this configuraiton would be useful for you.

An example for common usage for this configuration is a monorepo.
Lets say we have a monorepo, which have sub folders such as client, backend, and infra (Infrastructure as code).

The configuration for this project would look like:

            name: infra             # Name of the project
            - local: ./infra        # Path of sources to include in project
              name: sources         # Name of the path
            roots:                  # Rules paths on client machine - you can add paths to custom rules you created (relative to `spectral.yaml` location - `.spectral/spectral.yaml`)
            - rules                 # This is the default if not set (`.spectral/rules`)
                ids: []             # Ids of rules you wish to include in this project
                tags:               # Tags you wish to include in this project
                    - iac
                ids: []             # Ids of rules you wish to exclude from this project
                tags:               # Tags you wish to exclude from this project
                    - audit
            name: client
            - local: ./client
              name: sources
                ids: []
                    - audit
                    - base
                ids: []
                    - iac
            name: server
            - local: ./server
              name: sources
                ids: []
                    - audit
                    - base
                ids: []
                    - iac

Given this configuration, spectral scan command would trigger 3 scans (one scan per project defined in the configuration).


  • project - Mandatory
    • name - Mandatory
  • input (Array) - Path of sources to include in project - Mandatory, each element should consist of:
    • local - Path of resources to include in this project - Mandatory
    • name - Name for given path - Mandatory
  • rules - Configuration regarding rules to scan in this project
    • roots (Array) - Rules paths on client machine - you can add paths to custom rules you created (relative to spectral.yaml location - .spectral/spectral.yaml) - Not mandatory
    • include - Configuration about excluding rules in this projects - Mandatory if exclude was not provided
      • tags (Array) - Collection of tags to include in this project (iac, audit etc.) - Mandatory
      • ids (Array) - Collection of rule ids to include in this project (DB001, TFAWS110 etc.) - Mandatory
    • exclude - Configuration about excluding rules in this projects - Mandatory if include was not provided
      • tags (Array) - Collection of tags to exclude in this project (iac, audit etc.) - Mandatory
      • ids (Array) - Collection of rule ids to exclude in this project (DB001, TFAWS110 etc.) - Mandatory

Configuration per asset type

With spectral.yaml you can set configuration for a specific asset, and only for file based assets.

Besides spectral.yaml, Spectral enables to set configuration that would be applied on all assets of the same type, and this is available for all types of assets (git, host, log, jira etc.).

Setting this configuration can be done in your account at, by going into the Settings screen, and then get into Scan configuration page.

In this page, choose the type of asset to apply the configuration on, and set the configuration in the input as YAML (in the same format & structure as in spectral.yaml).

Configuration per asset type


You can disable this configuration from taking place in an asset scan by adding the --ignore-remote-config flag while executing your scan, for example: spectral scan --ignore-remote-config


Enables you to control the Spectral command over different assets in your organization. Violating the policy will fail the Spectral command.
Supported from Spectral version 1.10.95 and above.
Must use the latest version of the Github & GItlab bots in order to use the hardening flags.

Combining configurations

match_ignores - If a spectral.yaml file exists locally, it's match_ignores section would be merged with the asset type match_ignores section, meaning that the list of ignores would contain ignores configured locally in spectral.yaml, and also ignores defined per asset type.

For more infomration about ignores configuration, click here.

projects - If a spectral.yaml exists locally, the projects confguration of the asset type will not take place, and the local projects configuration would be applied if it exists in spectral.yaml.

For more infomration about projects configuration, click here.

Allowed RBAC roles

Owner and Admin roles are allowed to set configuration per asset type, Member role can view the configuration, but not allowed to modify it (read only mode).

For more information about roles and RBAC, please click here.

Asset type configuration usage indication

In order to figure out if an asset scan used asset type configuration, please check if scan banner named remote_cfg holds the value Yes.