Ensure Diagnostic Setting captures appropriate categories
Ensure that Azure Monitor Logs collects all types of activities in your account (Administrative, Alert, Policy and Security operations).
Risk Level: Low
Cloud Entity: Azure Monitor Logs
CloudGuard Rule ID: D9.AZU.MON.46
Covered by Spectral: Yes
Category: Management Tools
ActivityLogMonitor should not have (diagnosticSettings contain [ logs contain-any [ category regexMatch /Alert|Security|Policy|Administrative/ and enabled = false ] ])
From Portal
- Sign in to Azure Management Console.
- Go to 'Azure Monitor'.
- Click 'Activity log'.
- Click on 'Diagnostic settings'.
- Click on 'Add diagnostic setting'.
- Enter a name for your new Diagnostic Setting.
- Ensure that the following categories are checked: Administrative, Alert, Policy, and Security.
- Choose the destination details according to your organization's needs.
Note: By default, diagnostic setting is not set.
From TF
NOTE : Repeat 'log' argument for Administrative, Alert, Policy, and Security:
resource "azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting" "example" {
log {
category = "CATEGORY"
enabled = true
From Command Line
az monitor diagnostic-settings create --resource ID --name NAME --storage-account STORAGEACCOUNTNAME --logs '@{file}'
NOTE : Use '@{file}' to load from a file. It contains JSON encoded list of logs settings.
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/essentials/diagnostic-settings?tabs=portal
- https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/monitor_diagnostic_setting
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/monitor/diagnostic-settings?view=azure-cli-latest#az-monitor-diagnostic-settings-create
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/monitor/diagnostic-settings/create-or-update?tabs=HTTP#logsettings
Azure Monitor Logs
Azure Monitor Logs is a feature of Azure Monitor that collects and organizes log and performance data from monitored resources. Data from multiple sources can be consolidated into a single workspace.
Compliance Frameworks
- Azure CIS Foundations v. 1.3.1
- Azure CIS Foundations v. 1.4.0
- Azure CIS Foundations v. 1.5.0
- Azure CIS Foundations v.2.0
- Azure CloudGuard Best Practices
- Azure HITRUST v9.5.0
- Azure ITSG-33
- Azure NIST 800-53 Rev 5
- CloudGuard Azure All Rules Ruleset
Updated over 1 year ago