NetworkLoadBalancer with unencrypted LDAP (UDP:389) is exposed to a small network scope

Services and databases store data that may be sensitive, protected by law, subject to regulatory requirements or compliance standards. It is highly recommended that access to data will be restricted to encrypted protocols. This rule detects network settings that may expose data via unencrypted protocol over the public internet or to a too wide local scope.

Risk Level: Medium
Cloud Entity: Network Load Balancer
CloudGuard Rule ID: D9.AWS.NET.AG2.9.NetworkLoadBalancer.389.UDP
Covered by Spectral: No
Category: Networking & Content Delivery


NetworkLoadBalancer where inboundRules contain [port <= 389 and portTo >= 389 and protocol in ('UDP','ALL')] should not have inboundRules contain [port <= 389 and portTo >= 389 and protocol in ('UDP','ALL') and scope numberOfHosts() > 32 and scope numberOfHosts() <=  256]


Limit the access scope for NetworkLoadBalancer with service 'LDAP to only allow access in internal networks and limited scope.

If public interface exists, remove it and limit the access scope within the VPC only to applications or instances that requires access.

Amazon Reference:

As a further protection step, Use CloudGuard 'Tamper Protection' (Full Protection mode) and region lock to prevent unauthorized changes to network access settings, refer to for more details.

Network Load Balancer

A Network Load Balancer functions at the fourth layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. It can handle millions of requests per second. After the load balancer receives a connection request, it selects a target from the target group for the default rule. It attempts to open a TCP connection to the selected target on the port specified in the listener configuration.

Compliance Frameworks

  • LGPD