Ensure that 'Java version' is the latest, if used to run the Web App

Periodically, newer versions are released for Java software either due to security flaws or to include additional functionality. Using the latest Java version for web apps is recommended in order to take advantage of security fixes, if any, and/or new functionalities of the newer version.

Risk Level: Low
Cloud Entity: Web Apps service
CloudGuard Rule ID: D9.AZU.CRY.42
Covered by Spectral: No
Category: Compute


WebApp where config.javaVersion!='null' should have config.javaVersion>=11


From Portal

  1. Login to Azure Portal using https://portal.azure.com.
  2. Go to 'App Services'.
  3. Click on each Windows WebApp.
  4. Under 'Settings' section, click on 'Configuration'.
  5. Click on the General settings pane and ensure that for a Stack of Java, with Major Version of Java 11, and regardless of the Java web server being used, that the Java web server version is set to the auto-update option (This will ensure that the web server is always up-to-date).
  6. Click Save.

NOTE: No action is required If Java version is set to Off as Java is not used by your web app.

From TF

Set the latest Java version as below:

resource "azurerm_windows_web_app" "example" {
	site_config {
			current_stack = "Java"
			Java_version = "Latest-Java-Version"

From Command Line

To see the list of supported runtimes:

az webapp list-runtimes --os windows | grep Java

To set latest Java version for an existing app, run the following command:

az webapp config set --resource-group RESOURCEGROUP --name WEBAPP --java-version JAVAVERSION --java-container JAVA CONTAINER --java-container-version CONTAINER VERSION


  1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/configure-language-Java?pivots=platform-windows
  2. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/configure-common?tabs=portal
  3. https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/windows_web_app#java_version

Web Apps service

Azure App Service is an HTTP-based service for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and mobile back ends. You can develop in your favorite language, be it .NET, .NET Core, Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, or Python. Applications run and scale with ease on both Windows and Linux-based environments.

Compliance Frameworks

  • Azure CIS Foundations v. 1.2.0
  • Azure CIS Foundations v. 1.3.0
  • Azure CIS Foundations v. 1.3.1
  • Azure CIS Foundations v. 1.4.0
  • Azure CIS Foundations v. 1.5.0
  • Azure CIS Foundations v.2.0
  • Azure CloudGuard Best Practices
  • Azure NIST 800-53 Rev 5
  • CloudGuard Azure All Rules Ruleset